Monday, June 4, 2007

So I am sitting at Nick's house now, I was recently enlisted in the Army Teh Dustbunnies to clean his room. We didn't make much headway and had to make a hasty retreat but there you are. Supposedly we are going to the gym in a minute if Nick can find clothes suitable for gymmin'.


I have begun a diet (again). hopefully that will last because the extra tire is getting to be a bit cumbersome--I don't want to end up looking like some other chicks I know. This morning I had chicken for breakfast.

I need to remember to sign up for another elective for this semester so I can drop Psychology. I just keep forgetting or putting it off. No good.

This water bottle sucks.

Well I am going gymmin' now, more updates later. Nick has something to say now:

"I went outside half naked expecting a few cleaning ladies. I was greeted by a fucking church group. Woe is my white ass."

1 comment:

Miss Independant said...

smooth move on that last part.