Monday, June 25, 2007

wishlist time!!

It is coming around to birthday time, so I have assembled a crack team of relatively inexpensive items that might be considered for the gift-buying of you fine people, if you want to get me anything. And here it is:

My Wish List

Just clicky the button to be whisked away to my amazon list!

And any one of these tees in a size small would do just fine as well:

I don't really ask for presents on holidays, but a few people have requested I share my desires and so here they are. ¡Pásatelo bien!

Friday, June 22, 2007

hey there delilah

I'm listening to Hey There Delilah

I wish Delilah was real.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Apparently I am getting a job at Fresh Market, so I don't even have to turn in the application for Sal & Mookie's! Yay.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Second Installment of Random Thoughts

It is currently 4:46 am and of course I can't sleep, so I am updating this blog.

I had my hair done a few days ago, and it is fabulous. A little bit of red, a little bit of cocoa, and a splash of sunny blonde. Y perfección.

My birthday/eye surgery is now a mere two weeks away, so I'll probably be assembling some kind of wish list soon. My god am I looking forward to the day I can snap these specs in half and run naked through the fields. Being as LASIK surgery removes some corneal tissue and all shame. Wait...I never had any shame anyway. Oh wells.

I have deleted somewhere around 100 photos of myself on facebook, mainly because I trashed the ones that featured my ex in a Sex & the City-esque clean sweep. I don't need that mess around me these days (seriously, eurgh), and I should have done this much earlier, but kinda forgot about it until I actually went through and discovered that *GASP* the pictures didn't vanish when they should have eight months ago! Who'da thunk that pictures have no kind of initiative. I need to get more proactive technology.

Soon it will be time to go computer shopping, which for me means finding the place with the best deal on a Macbook, since I have already cast my cards for one. I will be making a number of pricey purchases in a closely clustered period of time, because within the next month or so not only will I be buying the computer, but the BRAND SPANKING NEW AUTOMOBILE and my LASER EYE SURGERY as well.

As far as the car goes, I have my heart set on getting a manual. I know, I've driven two automatic cars in the past three years, but I think now the time is ripe for a stickshift. New Dave tried to teach me how the drive one the other night, and I have the theory down like a clown, but I need a teensy bit more practice than just driving to the Kangaroo and back (a five minute journey). I know I can do it (I know some real dumbfucks who drive stick, how hard can it be), but it will take more practice than I have been getting and I don't want to have to buy an automatic just because I couldn't find the time to practice driving stick. So, if you, reader, are the proud owner of a manual transmission vehicle, hook me up with some time in the driver's seat. I am 100% serious on this.

Been slacking on the workout regimen lately, and so have gained back some weight and am currently resting at an extremely unsatisfied 126. Definitely need to kick out at least fifteen pounds before summer's end, and preferably my original goal of 20. Also I need to start waking up before three pm so I can get in some good sun, as my prom tan has finally evaporated.

Blah blah blah. Your mom goes to college.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

So I have been on the warpath for a job lately, I filled out a Sal & Mookie's application but I'm waiting to see if I could get a job at Fresh Market instead before I turn it in.

What else, what else...went to Jubilee Jam last night, it was dull until LUDA came on, and then it was fucktastic. I am glad I spent the twenty bucks.

A minute ago I searched for chat things that were supposed to be similar to Habbo Hotel (a haunt I frequented about five years ago), and I ended up signing up for this "IMVU" thing that proceeded to direct me to a bunch of people's pages that I may or may not know (they grabbed them from my email address I guess), and just generally launched me into colorful, pre-teeny confusion. It is, in fact, not like Habbo Hotel at all, and I am probably going to quit using it in about five minutes. What a waste of a download.

Nothing else to report so far as I know...wait! I haven't told you all yet that I HAVE TEXTING NOW!!!! So you can text away anytime of the day or night, I don't sleep anyway. If you have AT&T/Cingular, harass me at your leisure, since I can text YOU for free!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Recently I entered a poem I wrote into a few contest hoping I could win some money. I was wary of course, and entered very leery of being asked for money in any form or fashion because I knew at any moment someone could be waiting to scam me. After a while, I discovered a webpage that lists some of the most prevalent poetry writing scams on the internet and I wanted to share them because I know some of you have entered them too. Some of them I knew immediately were scams, and some I had unwittingly entered myself. I am just glad no one managed to dupe me for a dollar.

And here are our scammers, ladies and gentlemen:
International Society Of Poets
International Library Of Poetry
National Library Of Poetry
The Poetry Guild
National Society Of Poets
Iliad Press (Cader Publishing)
The American Poets Society
Noble House Publishers
Publishers Clearing House
Water Mark Press
The Poem Place
Hollywood's Famous Poets Society
Pen Pushers Publications
Poets' Guild

If you have entered any of these online contests and are asked for money to purchase a book or for any reason, DO NOT PAY. The letter you got saying "you are a semifinalist" might have felt good at the time, but a monkey naming himself "Hugh G. Reckshun" and titling his poem "Mike Ockenballz" would get the same letter. They tell everyone who enters that they are a winner...and then put their palms out. But don't be fooled.

Thursday, June 7, 2007


Well I checked the scale today, and I am excited to say I am down to 122! That's an eight pound loss from the end of May. So hurrah for me, and only ten more to go!

What else, what else...

I am about to go to the gym again. Somehow going to the gym changed from being a harassing chore into something I look forward to, which is a definite improvement. I don't know what came over me but it's sure good. Cause I plan on being a hard-bodied fox before the summer ends. Laugh if you like. I would laugh too I guess.

We are out of dog food, oh noes!

Oh yea, Jonny's twin Karen is getting married, she says they are thinking of sometime in spring '08. That will be a fun wedding to go to. I want a spring wedding too. So now it looks like Jonny is about to be the only one not married off.

La la la...played the Sims 2 last night. It seems suspiciously similar to the Sims 1.

Nothing else to say right now.

Monday, June 4, 2007

So I just got home from the gym. That was my first workout in quite a while. I did most of the machines that concentrated on the ab/buttock area, and then spent about an hour on the treadmill and exercise bike. I had a heart rate of 191 at the highest point I think. Technically I think that means I should have had a heart attack, since that rate wasn't even on the little chart of heart rates they had on the machine, but I'm still here!

I've been eating good too, tonight's dinner is an apple and some caesar salad. Yummy. If things continue, then one day I will be a superhero! Hurrah!
So I am sitting at Nick's house now, I was recently enlisted in the Army Teh Dustbunnies to clean his room. We didn't make much headway and had to make a hasty retreat but there you are. Supposedly we are going to the gym in a minute if Nick can find clothes suitable for gymmin'.


I have begun a diet (again). hopefully that will last because the extra tire is getting to be a bit cumbersome--I don't want to end up looking like some other chicks I know. This morning I had chicken for breakfast.

I need to remember to sign up for another elective for this semester so I can drop Psychology. I just keep forgetting or putting it off. No good.

This water bottle sucks.

Well I am going gymmin' now, more updates later. Nick has something to say now:

"I went outside half naked expecting a few cleaning ladies. I was greeted by a fucking church group. Woe is my white ass."

Sunday, June 3, 2007

First installment of random thoughts

This new blogspot thing is a little bit more confusing than say, livejournal or xanga. I can't figure out how to subscribe to people. Oh well, I'm kinda bright, I guess I'll see how it works eventually.

Soooo...a real post...let's see, what's been going on in my life. I graduated like a week and a half ago, which was good I guess, and I ended up having like 32 credits or some obscene number like that. You see, St. Joe makes (made!! made me take, cause it's over now!! woo!) me take a whole bunch of unnecessary credits, and in addition I took even more through correspondence. It was funny, because the whole year my mom was talking about how I wasn't going to graduate because I hadn't taken Personal Finance (required to get a diploma from St. Joe), while I was kickin back in the knowledge that even if St. Joe kicked me out, I still had so many credits I could have graduated on the spot at a real school. I think I had the required amount of credits to graduate according to the State in like sophomore year, except for Government, which I probably could've taken by correspondence if I really wanted to get out early. But I'm glad I got my diploma from a fancy-shmancy school I guess, even if they didn't give us very many decorations for our robes. I'm not sure of my rank, it wasn't top five, but I was eighth last year and I think Machado's godawful astronomy/aerospace class this year brought me to tenth at the end.

I wasn't supposed to be able to get my report card without turning in all of my books, but I guess the fact that Cleta retired left the English department in a tizzy, and they didn't realize which of her students had books missing. As a result, it looks like I'll be keeping my senior year English textbook for the rest of my days. Woo.

What else has been going on...let's see ex called me last week and demanded (not asked) to meet with me, in order to talk to my boyfriend because currently I guess I am a blockade between the two(?). He left me a long message, saying that I could either meet him "tonight, or tomorrow;" he kept dictating what my options were and barking orders into the phone as if he had control over me the way he used to. He was talking in the same tone you use when you tell your dog to stop chewing the furniture: stern, angry, and with an absolute belief that you will be obeyed. It was kind of sickening, because I know back in the day I would have called him right when he told me to. I guess the fact that it made me kind of nauseous that I allowed someone to treat me that way means I'm not a dog anymore. So that's good.

I went to Murrah's graduation, which was good, and which went by even faster than my own. Astonishing, considering their class was over twice our size. I didn't party like a rockstar afterwards, oh well.

These poetry people keep sending me mail, because a few months ago I entered this poem in some online contests. They keep saying something about how I can buy the book they're publishing my poem in, but apparently I don't have to. I'm not sure whether it's a scam or not. I entered a few others and one of them was definitely a scam. I hope this one isn't, though, and I hope the poem wins some cash because lord knows I could use it. I doubt it will though; I entered that poem before it was properly edited, so it's kind of a crappy version.

My parents are going to a new church tomorrow, an Episcopal one, so bully for them.

I just got home from a social gathering at Emmett's, which was pretty fun except for this little drunk kid named Scott who was being a real ass. I say that because a. he was annoying and b. he kicked me in the face so I'm biased against him. I got bored after a while and left.

That's all I can think of for now, it's nice to write a long, real post for once. Now if only I knew how to get people to read it.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

first post

This is my first post!