This new blogspot thing is a little bit more confusing than say, livejournal or xanga. I can't figure out how to subscribe to people. Oh well, I'm kinda bright, I guess I'll see how it works eventually.
Soooo...a real post...let's see, what's been going on in my life. I graduated like a week and a half ago, which was good I guess, and I ended up having like 32 credits or some obscene number like that. You see, St. Joe makes (made!! made me take, cause it's over now!! woo!) me take a whole bunch of unnecessary credits, and in addition I took even more through correspondence. It was funny, because the whole year my mom was talking about how I wasn't going to graduate because I hadn't taken Personal Finance (required to get a diploma from St. Joe), while I was kickin back in the knowledge that even if St. Joe kicked me out, I still had so many credits I could have graduated on the spot at a real school. I think I had the required amount of credits to graduate according to the State in like sophomore year, except for Government, which I probably could've taken by correspondence if I really wanted to get out early. But I'm glad I got my diploma from a fancy-shmancy school I guess, even if they didn't give us very many decorations for our robes. I'm not sure of my rank, it wasn't top five, but I was eighth last year and I think Machado's godawful astronomy/aerospace class this year brought me to tenth at the end.
I wasn't supposed to be able to get my report card without turning in all of my books, but I guess the fact that Cleta retired left the English department in a tizzy, and they didn't realize which of her students had books missing. As a result, it looks like I'll be keeping my senior year English textbook for the rest of my days. Woo.
What else has been going on...let's see ex called me last week and demanded (not asked) to meet with me, in order to talk to my boyfriend because currently I guess I am a blockade between the two(?). He left me a long message, saying that I could either meet him "tonight, or tomorrow;" he kept dictating what my options were and barking orders into the phone as if he had control over me the way he used to. He was talking in the same tone you use when you tell your dog to stop chewing the furniture: stern, angry, and with an absolute belief that you will be obeyed. It was kind of sickening, because I know back in the day I would have called him right when he told me to. I guess the fact that it made me kind of nauseous that I allowed someone to treat me that way means I'm not a dog anymore. So that's good.
I went to Murrah's graduation, which was good, and which went by even faster than my own. Astonishing, considering their class was over twice our size. I didn't party like a rockstar afterwards, oh well.
These poetry people keep sending me mail, because a few months ago I entered this poem in some online contests. They keep saying something about how I can buy the book they're publishing my poem in, but apparently I don't have to. I'm not sure whether it's a scam or not. I entered a few others and one of them was definitely a scam. I hope this one isn't, though, and I hope the poem wins some cash because lord knows I could use it. I doubt it will though; I entered that poem before it was properly edited, so it's kind of a crappy version.
My parents are going to a new church tomorrow, an Episcopal one, so bully for them.
I just got home from a social gathering at Emmett's, which was pretty fun except for this little drunk kid named Scott who was being a real ass. I say that because a. he was annoying and b. he kicked me in the face so I'm biased against him. I got bored after a while and left.
That's all I can think of for now, it's nice to write a long, real post for once. Now if only I knew how to get people to read it.